The Power of Connection

Stress, Trauma and Resilience ™ (STAR ) ⭐️  is an evidence based course designed to increase psychological resilience. The course is offered in a small group format to create a safe, trusting environment that gives participants the opportunity to work closely together and learn the key components of resilience and build mental fitness.

Through interactive exercises and take-home assignments, instructors lead participants to develop emotional and social skills that enhance all areas of their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who Can offer the STAR ⭐️ course?

Only certified STAR instructors that hold an up to date license can offer the STAR ⭐️ course.

What is the ideal number is of STAR course participants?

The ideal number is 8 – 10 people in a course session and no more than 10. Our experience tells us this is an optimal number of people to act as a catalyst for change while ensuring that everyone gets the most out of the course.

When are STAR ⭐️ modules offered?

Modules are usually held in the afternoon or early evening to accommodate busy schedules. Other times may be offered as required by participant demand. Course participants must commit to attending all 8 modules.

How long are the STAR ⭐️ modules and how many are there?

Each STAR ⭐️ module is a minimum of 3 hours long and there are 8 in total. There is typically one module per week but this can vary depending on need.

Who is STAR ⭐️ right for?

Great question. The STAR ™ ⭐️ program is trans-diagnostic, which means that it is designed to help people experiencing a wide range of personal challenges and life difficulties. The course focuses on building new strengths and skills, not any particular diagnosis or collection of symptoms.

Prior to participating in group, participants need to meet with a course instructor to explore their challenges, identify areas that require strengthening, and set some goals. In some cases, instructors may recommend another course of action, such as one-on-one counseling or therapy.

What is the cost of STAR™ ⭐️ covered by insurance plans?

It depends on the professional designation of your instructors. If the initial intake appointment and the modular sessions are facilitated by registered social workers or psychologists the course may be covered by health insurance and group benefits plans. STAR™ is not covered by provincial health services (MSI).

Do I need a referral from my doctor to attend a STAR ⭐️ course?

Groupworks™ is a division of Air® institutes. We do not offer the STAR ⭐️ course directly. We partner with educators and clinicians to provide their clients  with access to this innovative, evidence based, effective psycho-social services.

To access a STAR ⭐️ course you may require a referral  from doctors and other medical practitioners depending on your Instructors qualifications;  a referral may not required (unless your insurance plan requests it).

If you are a medical practitioner and would like become certified to offer the  STAR™ course, please contact us so that we can provide you with more information.